The Money Journey Platform to Manage Personal Finance, Net Worth and Assets

More than a budgeting app, Count My Dollar is the Networth and Asset Management Platform. CountMyDollar is the ultimate personal and family tool you need to become the pilot of your money journeys


All-in-one-Personal Networth Management Apps

Count My Dollar is a personal finance platform with all the tools, apps, integrations, and software you need to manage your net worth, assets, and budgets. CMD's tools enable you to manage your net worth from the web, and mobile with Count My Dollar web, CountMyDollar for IOS, and CountMyDollar for Android.


Personal Finance is a Lifestyle

CMD Philosophy 1: Personal Finance management is a lifestyle for anyone who seeks to pilot their financial destiny. 


Personal Finance Management a Process

CMD Philosophy 2: Personal finance management skills can learned, and nurtured and can be adapted into daily living and lifestyle choices. 


Personal Finance Processes are Better-Managed with Financial Platforms like CMD

CMD Philosophy 3: Manage your  net worth  processes with Count My Dollar Apps and Personal Finance Tools, you can be in control 

Get Started 

With a suite of easy-to-use connected mobile and web apps, the Count My Dollar Money Audio Insights,  and Financial news, get empowered to craft a peaceful financial life, and take charge of your financial destiny, while managing your net worth and assets, and debts.  Having CMD is like having your Personal Financial, Net worth, and Asset-Management Platform - No ads, no distractions, for a low monthly subscription.